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Forums - Alliance > Why the BWL run failed

I think that it is important to note something here: Failing can be almost as useful as succeeding.

Since hitting 60 on my prot war (80 now) I wanted to raid. There are many reasons for this other than increasing the amount of people in a group equals more fun. For instance, we can get people in the raid mindset, make sure everyone is aware of vent and how to use it, teach people the ins and outs of raid communication, and get to know everybody. Also we give them motivation to LEVEL FASTER!

In this sense, our BWL raid failure was a success. Why couldn't we get past the second boss? This is what I think:

1. We only had 10 people. Surprise surprise, you can't 10 man BWL. I really thought we could, we had 5 80s, 2 tanks, and 2 healers. The the dps was at least outlands geared, but that was not enough. I estimate that we needed another 5 dps, assuming that they're not 80s. Even if 5 extra dps for the second boss would have been overkill, they would absolutely have been needed for the increasing difficulty that comes with each sequential boss.

2. The majority of the people who came along were not used to raiding. In raids, the boss fights are hard, and it doesn't matter what the specifics of the fight are, there are always ground rules that apply. Such as, being aware of your spacial relationship to everything in the room, meaning the boss and your fellow players. Knowing who has what debuff and what you need to do accordingly. And etc.

3. Knowing each others' classes, and what they are capable of. This gives each player an understanding of what role they are required to fulfill based on what is and is not in the raid. If there are multiple pallies, they need to figure out amongst themselves who is doing which buffs/auras based on spec. If there are multiple warlocks, which pets should be out, who is SSing whom.

In summary, I think that all of these things can be overwhelming to players who are new to it, and it only comes with practice. Thus the reason why I have been pushing for old world raids to include people who are not high enough for BC raids. However, I think it's time to move onto BC raids because of where we are in the leveling process. Karazhan... we'll see how many people show up for this 70+ 10 man raid.

May 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterExecutation

why so much information

May 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterincaila

Didn't we boot you from the guild?

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterExecutation

Wow, and I thought this was going to be a typical "OMG, you n00bs suck! LRN2PLAY!" post. Glad to see some constructive criticism, and I look forward to endgaming with you guys.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSnackums

i've 5 manned BWL with 80's and 2 Manned MC both are easy just takes coordination

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOnslaught

Thanks for not including what kind of gear you were in.

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterExecutation