Forums - Alliance > Interested in joing
How did I manage to spell "joining" so wrong. :D

From my experience with numerous alts on 4 servers, I have never found a guild that will drop whatever they are doing to help someone - even if they say so in their recruitment messages on Trade Chat. To have an expectation of a guild (or person) you will only spawn a resentment. As like any other guild I wouldn't expect the moon from my guildies, which is why I am constantly surprised every time I log on. With that being said, I can honestly say that Project Lore is by far the most friendly guild I have ever come across. The people are here on a regular basis, and we do help out -when we can. Just recently we have considered a 2nd raiding schedule due to the amount of people becoming "Epicurial". As this is a fan guild there are always a good number of people on most times of the day especially around peak times going way into the wee hours of the morning (Server Time that is!). The best part is the fact that there are a lot of guildies from all across North America whereas many servers are mostly confined to one Time Zone. As for the immaturity...well...we're all kids inside in some form or another, and with approximately 11 million subscribers in WoW, there is bound to be the immature person out there....but that's what our 18+ Ventrilo is for! The officers are quite strict about language in guild chat, which I can't say for many other guilds out there -as we ARE a fan guild comprising of players of all ages.
I hope this answers some questions about the Alliance side, as we are better than the Horde (don't tell my horde guildies on Azgalor I said that tho) ^.^

You said it all, Shampayne, nicely done.
A note about raiding: we are very casual about raiding compared to many guilds out there. The Executive Officers are the guild and raid leaders, unless we designate someone else to fill the raid leader roll. Other than that, we are fine with any guildie setting up guild runs. As for what I'm personally trying to accomplish as an EO and raid leader is a focus on progression. Those who have been promoted to Raider status have been getting first dibs on any raids I set up, but I've been asking them to keep an eye on the loot tables for things we have on farm and start stepping aside if they really don't need anything and a new raider wants to come along (shoutout to Icx).
BTW, in order to get promoted to Raider status, all you need to do is come along with me on a raid so I can see you have sufficient dps and know how to handle yourself, and have ventrilo and a working mic. Simple as that. The other EOs may have slightly different requirements to promote to Raider.

I'm looking for a new server to transfer to and this guild and the server you are on seems pretty solid. But how is the guild? Are there a lot of immature kids? Is the majority of the members too busy to help because they ride a high horse with their epics? Is the guild so big it's hard to get into raids? Any feedback about the guild would be helpful.