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Forums - Alliance > Naxx 7/3/09

Here are the stats for the end of Naxx, enjoy!

July 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIcx

Killing blows:

Saphiron: Icxlock's Incinerate
Kel'Thuzad: Icxlock's Incinerate crit

So, wow, Saph is obviously putting out loads of frost damage. And since I must point out that we don't have these fights on farm, I think we need to consider investing in the crafted frost resist sets that are out there. Especially, dps and healers.

July 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterExecutation

Ha ha I love that a second after I died my Incinerate crits for the killing blow

July 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIcx

I just went through the logfile because I had thought that my FFB and Pyro landed the death blow on Kel'Thuzad. But as the log shows...At 6'15".094, Icxlock's Incinerate crits and kills Kel'Thuzad. At exactly the same time, according to the logfile, my Frostfire Bolt and Proc'd Pyroblast land (6'15".094). I can only guess that it was 1/10,000th of a second later. Unfortunately, the timer only goes to 1000th of a second and KT was already dead...LOL! That's bloody close. Gratz Icxlock...Woot Project Lore!

But of course the most EPIC moment of the encounter was when Icxlock rolled a 20 for the helmet which he wanted so badly, and at the last second Weizenbock decided to roll as well. This completely deflated Icxlock, having rolled such a low number. Then when Weiz rolled, he managed a massive 2! I laughed so hard...Gratz again to Icxlock and soz to Weiz. The next one is yours Weiz...


July 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDothvader