Forums - Alliance > Joining
All are welcome! Just whisper anyone in the guild and they will direct you to an officer.

hey i was looking forward to joining the guild but yet 3 days befor i discoverd the PL guild my modem has trashed and im leaving for the summer so its about 7 weeks till i can join... what a bummer

I've been hoping to join guild as well, but have yet to run into any members, so I know not who to talk to as of yet. >_>

If your interested in joining the guild just type /who Project Lore, whisper anyone in the guild that is logged on and they should be able to direct you to an officer to whisper for an invite. Just like Executaion mentioned, all are welcomed and hope to see you guys in game.

i have searched for all officers cnt find anyone want to join but no alliance avalible

I am a long time WoW player but new to Project Lore and new on Executus, and was wondering what it would take to join? Who should I whisper in game if you are still recruiting?