Forums - Alliance > The Dragon Patrol has a simple request...
Keristrasza has taken a new form.....
July 17, 2009 |
Who would be silly enough to skin a dragon?? Oh, wait...
/trade skinningknife
July 17, 2009 |
It wasnt you this time Rojo!!! ... someone else did the same thing!!!! Damn you skinners... damn you all to the nether!!!
July 17, 2009 |
i still think i should be able to skin a tauren when i kill it!(oh and they should drop hamburger loot too)
July 18, 2009 |
They should show skinned mob as flesh/muscle mob, like those anatomical human dolls without skins :d
July 18, 2009 |
ROFLED my ass off on this one
July 18, 2009 |
LOL @ Sham, then blizzard has to change the game to rated R, but then again, no one really care about ratings anyway
July 18, 2009 |
I'm w/ Vayder on the Tauren comment....happy meals for all!!
July 19, 2009 |
QUIT SKINNING OUR DRAGONS... till after we take a picture. TWICE this has happened. In future dragon downings... party members will be searched... we will be taking all of your skinning knives before the fight and will be returning them after our group photo has been taken. Thank you that is all.
Sincerely "The Dragon Patrol"