Forums - Alliance > Ideas and Rants
Brewmaster ftw!!! If blizzard dont put panda in the next expansion, i swear i am quiting the game.
/agree @ Sinank
If pandarens come into the game, i'm hoping for some sort of martial monk hero class since that's what they are, will they be wearing cloth or leather? we'll see :D
Going off Shamtastik's post, I smell the Assassin from D2 nearby-wielding only fist weapons and dressed in PLEATHER!
>.< if they put Pandas in then like all of China would stop playing and there goes WoW's major income
personally, I think the next hero class should be 'anti-rogue' as the death knight is essentially 'anti-paladin'. After much thought, it'd be a completely faction neutral class, full T whatever it is by then gear would make you look like Robocop, your epic 'gimmie' mount would have lights and sirens...the class name? Popo...or maybe that's just me being goofy?
I doubt that the Chinese would stop playing because of Pandarins. They are already in the game, anyway. You could play with one in an expansion for Warcraft III. And they're in the card game, and the table top rpg. If they felt so strongly about it, they would have already banned it. Besides, they're just as addicted to WoW as the western world. Besides, we need an "asian" martial arts character in the game! The only other race I could think of as a good archeotype would be dragon people, or something. I guess there is precedent for that, but they would have to streeeeeeeetch a lot to get that in the game...
The main problem originally with the panderan was that they were a Panda (which is viewed as a national treasure in China) wearing Japanese Armor. The skins have since been changed so they are wearing Chinese clothing.
I dont care if they put pnada ninja in the next exp. I just need to see panda!!! (my parents are chinese, i was born in china)
lol. its nice to see that im not the only one with good OPs. this was pretty much a test to see if people would be interested in my ranting and ravings. I have decided to write about a new topic every week. And i do appreciate everyones OPs on this particular subject, it was nice to see others who have similar ideas.
I personally think something that would fit well into the Lore would be a New Faction completely. The Demonic Race. And players could play various Demonic characters, and the Demonic forces would be against both the Horde and Alliance, and then a 4th Faction could be added the The Dreamers, based off of the Emerald Dream, and the character classes would have various time controlling abilities and such. Would definitely be an interesting development. You could pull a HTH martial artist from a class of characters who could control time, both slowing it down or speeding it up only briefly of course. But either would be an interesting avenue.
Okay after reading the knew blog on the PL site I'vebecome quite intrigued. First off let me start with my ideas for a knew heros clas. Fuzzy had a great idea for Hero class(though I'm not sure he ment it to be :) ). A Beast Master/Blade Master Hybrid class. Basically it would consist of a Heavy Melee DPS class with the ability to tame up to two beast. Just imagine if a fully Tiered out Furry Warrior was givin the ability to Tame Beasts? That pretty much sounds OP right? Wrong, the class would still take the drawbacks for Dual Weilding two 2H weapons, plus his DPS would be dependent on his pet/pets. Now with that said,he would also have an increased survivability due to his single or two pets. Just Imagine having a Bear or Gorilla for the aggro draw and either a Wolf or Cat for the massive DPS. Or you could have two Tenacious and two Ferosity pets. You can see where this is going i hope. My question to you all is, what are your idea's? Put them here and lets start a debate on it?