The image page has been changed from three columns to five columns to show more thumbnails.
When you click on them, they will still open up full screen so take some time and check out all the ...
I wanted to thank everyone for submitting their pictures. We've got a good collection here and it's growing day by day.
One thing I wanted to point out is that right now when I add images, ...
Okay, lets start with my little opsession. Lore, lore, lore. I know I am not the only person out there with the disease Loreism. But I can say that I have subscribed to over twenty RSS feeds. I check mutiple websites on a daily,and on ocassion hourly basis. There is just something about the lore of Warcraft that has just grabbed my complete attention. It's gotten to the point that ive even began forgeting my Star Wars lore. And for those of you who know me quite well(through chats on vent and on the PL Guild chat) SW is my first opsession. I even have my wife wondering whats up. Now my wife enjoys the lore of Warcraft as well, but she has told me numerous times that i should put up my owne personel blog site. Dedicated to strictly the lore of Warcraft. Now I do see the logic in the idea, but what can I say...I'm just too lazy to put all that information down. I'm content with answering the questions from my fellow guild mates and friends. Okay lets get to the point here. Do you all have a little opsession? Or do you know so much about something that you just love to share your knowledge with anyone willing to ask?
Okay, lets start with my little opsession. Lore, lore, lore. I know I am not the only person out there with the disease Loreism. But I can say that I have subscribed to over twenty RSS feeds. I check mutiple websites on a daily,and on ocassion hourly basis. There is just something about the lore of Warcraft that has just grabbed my complete attention. It's gotten to the point that ive even began forgeting my Star Wars lore. And for those of you who know me quite well(through chats on vent and on the PL Guild chat) SW is my first opsession. I even have my wife wondering whats up. Now my wife enjoys the lore of Warcraft as well, but she has told me numerous times that i should put up my owne personel blog site. Dedicated to strictly the lore of Warcraft. Now I do see the logic in the idea, but what can I say...I'm just too lazy to put all that information down. I'm content with answering the questions from my fellow guild mates and friends. Okay lets get to the point here. Do you all have a little opsession? Or do you know so much about something that you just love to share your knowledge with anyone willing to ask?