The image page has been changed from three columns to five columns to show more thumbnails. When you click on them, they will still open up full screen so take some time and check out all the ...
I wanted to thank everyone for submitting their pictures. We've got a good collection here and it's growing day by day. One thing I wanted to point out is that right now when I add images, ...

Forums - Alliance > Calling all past, present, and future Shamans!

Hello my fellow pitchers of lightning, lava, and ice. Ever since the announcement of allowing the Dwarven race to wield the power of the elements, I have been wondering about their set of totems. Will they be decreased in size? Will they look different? My thoughts have been answered!! Behold a Blue post:

[General Discussion] Dwarf shamans and totems
Kisirani - Aug 31, 2009 6:53:17 PM (18 hours ago)

---{Ockan [80]
On a serious note, do you think draenai totems will be reused for dwarves (wouldn't make much sense if they do) or will dwarves get their own unique totems - perhaps smaller in size considering a dwarf is the size of a draenai/horde totem.}---

Kisirani [Blizzard Poster]:" It would be awfully silly to see Dwarven Shaman lugging those big ol' Draenei totems around, wouldn't it?

You'll see what we have up our sleeves for Shaman in the expansion. ;) After all, I think Tauren are getting tired of sharing theirs, too."

That should put a smile on all the Orc's and Troll's faces :D

September 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShampayne

I vote for keg totems!

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStpauligirl jus confirmed that sadly, the dwarven totems will not be kegs.

: (

September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRat