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Forums - Alliance > Warrors

The warrior is maybe the most basic classes in WoW. It has no mana, can't cast any spels, and is considered underpowered. But they can weild any weapon in the game, they are a cornerstone of tanking, and at many times, the saviors of many a raid. My question, what does the WoW community think of the noble warrior, underpowered, or just right for gameplay?

November 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValderon

My apologies, I meant 'Warriors'

November 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterValderon

I love the warriors and my very first charecter was/is a tauren warrior. I do understand how people hate leveling them, it isn't an easy start nor an easy finish, but once you get them rolling, everyone needs them. They can be amazing tanks, but some can also be low in the DPS charts, which I know can be disapointing to some. I know from experience that some of the new level 80 warriors can have a big challenge ahead of them. They were so focused on questing and getting to 80, that they forget about choosing the right gear once there. For me I wasn't paying close attention to my warrior and paid a hefty price. Granted i was also hacked and robbed once i hit 80 :(... But i was constantly getting kicked from group for having bad gear. When the reason I was in the group was to get better gear! At this point, many people are so focused on DPS that those few new 80s are left in the cold. However, they become the true suvivors and they are barely getting by and soon are learing from others. Lol, so getting back to my main point, if there was one, wariors can be pretty tough pick for a charecter, but if you can learn from others and get better and better, warriors can become widely loved. (I am extremely sorry about the long post! I just wanted to input my thoughts. lol)

November 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCayor

Warriors r pretty good but they can b a bit annoying 4 instance in pvp i do a deathgrip on them and they do charge on me making my death grip a bad idead, if your a warrior against a dk its great, if your a dk against a warrior wellllllllllll, your screwed (sometimes)

November 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKazzoo

I'm currently leveling my Warrior and I've noticed the difficulty in being a Warrior Tank/DPS. Sitting right before lvl50, I've had a hard time leveling because of how hard it is to be in a group that two warriors are in and both have different mentalities towards their goal. I find that I keep learning about my Warrior, how to do more damage, how I can trash AoE and yet be a viable threat in PvP. I use to hate Battlegrounds with a passion, still not a fan of Warsong Gulch just because of the fact that a Warrior is really not the ideal class to play it with. However, once you know what works best for you, and you set up your icons, its a breeze and the game becomes a lot of fun as you Tank dungeons with guild members and get that next set of gear your waiting to level up to, so you can equip. Once I get to 80 though, I have all intentions on leveling my Warlock and Druid, because I just love the ability to cast over melee.

November 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNerrectuz