Forums - Horde > The end of PL....
Well i mean theres still Hearthbourne, Pixytricksy, and ITzkoopa. but it will probably not be the same.
I was here from the very beginning of the horde side, and am currently the only Executive Officer. I'll be asking Juggy for full power(GM) to take control of it, but there's only a few people active right now. But at this time, I'm technically in control of it and want to keep that
I can definitely say that PL Ally is as strong as it has ever been. Very active member list, and still growing weekly. Farming 25 ToC and clearing 10 ICC are the many weeklies we've come to enjoy. Blame the self-righteousness of the Alliance, but for the most part we've stuck it out together. It's sad to hear it's all coming to a close (this was foreseen anyway) but the memories will live on in our guilds.
The problem is we never had enough 80s to DO anything, so the 80s that were active went to another guild so we could actually see content. We had a lot of members in the Horde guild, but most stopped being active before level 10 because they couldn't ever see the true Project Lore members on. On executus, you guys had the chance to see Juggy, we never did and hence, noone stayed around. Do I wish we could have enough members to do all those things? Sure, but it's hard to recruit by having a label as a 'fan guild', it's near impossible.
Another big thing that caused members to stop playing on the Horde side was the Alliance guild on executus having some members come over and actively gloat and say how much further along they were while dissing us. Is that fair? Is that what Project Lore is about? Absolutely not. It's ridiculous that we were made fun of because of how behind we were, and we truly were, like i said before, we didn't have enough for TEN MANS, so think how stagnant content got for us. I would love to have a revival of the Project Lore Horde side, and that's why I'm asking Juggy for control, but it's going to be hard when no one wants to join and we don't have enough people to run 10 man content.
Well then the guilds are safe then, just not the site
To further what Xor said just the other day an alliance guild member came to these very forums to make a joke about us. The 25-man content post by "Noob" is a direct recall to when they came to start shit that caused the eventual breakup of most of the horde guild. For shame.
Ok but why did you post "See Kazzoo for details."
(Damm you noob, well you wont see me leaving that guild unless it doesnt exist anymore.)
Dont worry xorid, if you decide to be the new GM i will be with you to see PL horde become a thriving guild even without Juggy.
I assume you are refferencing the night I was on my horde hunter, who had been in your guild for a couple months and was ignored in guild chat(perhaps that was better I guess), and a couple alliance guildies logged over out of curiosity after I was called a "noob" and an "idiot" in guild chat for telling a newly 80 Druid tank in need of stam gear that it would be worth the few minutes it would take to farm honor and get a couple Deadly pvp pieces. All we did, aside from one person who was admitedly being a jackass, was ask, after being told that you didn't want to play with us if we transfered 80s over, "why not?" and "why wouldn't you do 25s with us?" if you really think that 30 minute ordea that 5 people were online to seel is the reason your guild broke up you are either very confused or very stupid, but in either case, very wrong.
Hello all,
well i would like to repeat that the alliance guild is still up and kicking and we are trying to progress. IDK whats going on with Horde side but it looks like internal problems...but that just happens with guilds. Its unfortunate that the horde guild fell apart, but i would like to say that it was not due to the alliance guild. Not to say that some members did not create a character or transfer one to the Tanaris server and join the guild. But we did not cause or initiate any type of guild break up, nor did we ever brag about our advancement withing the game. On the other had we joined to actually try to help and play with you guys. As it is some people even transferred their lvl 80 characters to help out with raid advancement. But unfortunately we were shunned by the executive officers in the horde guild, and eventually kicked out due to "offensive language in guild chat".... Have u guys ever met juggy or anyone form TRG??? Point being was that alliance PL guild had nothing to do with your reduction in members...don't worry it happened to us too so don't feel left out.
Now i don't want you guys thinking that we had it easy cuz TRG and juggy are on this server cuz there was really never any collaboration with them.... we worked on everything ourselves and we just kept getting haggled by them.... which was cool cuz its all in fun and games.... something that we found out the hard way that you guys didn't like in guild chat. We even collaborated with other guilds to do "25 man content", emphasis on collaborate and not join (for those that do not know the difference he he).
All in all, just remove the stick that's up ur ass and roll with the punches....plz!! The longer its up there the less people are going to like you, the less they are going to play with you, and the less people u have in the guild. So i ask one more more, "Up for some 25 man content PL horde? =D"
Wow this has alot of posts
im surprised that highwayman isnt here to criticize me or anything like that.
I'm not saying that was the main reason the guild split, I'm saying it was a factor that made the rest of the active players get out of that guild and make our own a couple months later. If you really think we handled it wrong, you can keep thinking that, but if I remember right Juggy even agreed with us after I sent an email, so yes I have talked to Juggy, multiple times. Here, I'll even copy and paste the email for you and you can decide if it was in any way harsh towards you guys or unfair:
Hey Juggy, this is Xorel from the Horde side of the Project Lore guild. We had an issue happen just about the past few hours where a few members from the Alliance side came by and really started stirring up trouble. It started off with just them mocking us that we don't do 25 mans, just our opinions, but it soon turned to them claiming they get complaints about us not being kind to outsiders and starting to attack us personally. After cursing in guild chat, which we have a rule to keep family friendly(we do have a few players from overseas, so children could still get on), they continued to do it after multiple warnings. We kicked a couple from the guild after this, but the harassment continued. If you see any problem in this, or think we 'abused' our executive problems then please tell us, and we'll try talking to them, but to keep disruptions out, we've decided to remove them from the guild. They have also been throwing your name around and claiming they would get you to come over here and remove us from our positions if we continued "harassing" them.
The guildmembers are:
Don't really know what else can be said and the whole thing has been childish, I don't even expect you to do anything, just wanted to let you know
And just to clarify, I wasn't wanting to piss anyone off with saying that, I was telling events that happened and that's that. Hell I thought I was friends with a couple of you guys before all this happened, when my warrior was on Executus...I was welcomed there and we even exchanged different tips on streaming and stuff. If I had my pick would I want to go back to everything like that? Of course, and noone was ignored on guild chat, when you guys came on it would be me and two other people TOPS and then a couple of you guys. We talked on vent so we dont talk in guild chat, and you guys would talk about something between you two, there were no hard feelings or plots to piss you guys off.
If you guys honestly and truly want to talk about it or talk through it, send me a mail in game or email . I'd be willing to talk if you are, especially if we truly want both guilds back up(Ally is already strong, Horde is completely gone, no offense Kazoo, but it has to be rebuilt completely) and friendly
Wat? Maybe your realm is full of assholes. Time to xfer imho.
I have been at the beginning of both the Alliance PL and the Hord PL. I am currently an exec. officer on the alli side on the alli side as the hord we started at the beginning most of us built our chars from lvl 1. A few transfered over and helped as much as they could. The Guilds are going through growing pains as all do, people branch off etc. I think i have 7 chats in the guild now and I an having alot of fun with the people and learning from some and questing with others as it should be. I had many chars. in the hord guild i just didnt get there as much so often i was kicked out. I juat transfered my hunter from tanaris to executus to join my hord guild mates there. I wish you luck and hope you prosper. Yes its sad the Projectlore isnt happening any more but that is not the reason i play wow it was a added fun and made many friends through PL. as always looking for the gear lol
You know what, Im starting to regret to make this post, so much hate, a window to the dark side it is.
no.... its not over... project lore will always be here.... even if i have to start it again... time to bust out the fraps account and my editing software....
To PL shutting down...
Yes, I am sad about this. It was a fun ride while it lasted. But I'm sticking with the guild, mostly because I have met some rocking new people in there and we have fun together. The vent channel gets pretty entertaining at 3:00 AM on a Saturday.
As to the issues that appear to be popping up between the Alliance and Horde guilds... I've personally only ever been in the Alliance guild, tho I've toyed around with pushing a toon into the Horde guild. I'm not going to name names, but I HAVE seen issues between guild members, not just from branching off, but harassment in the guild itself. A couple of the people Xorel has listed I do know (Though half the names I don't recognize), although I will say I'm pretty sure one or two of them weren't trying to be jerks: Sometimes they just voice their opinions and it just comes off as being boastful or rude. The cursing also is something that the Alliance guild has become lax on (Not sure to say whether that's good or bad).
And as for raiding, we usually wind up pugging most of the 25-man content we do (Although getting as many guildies involved is preferable), and every now in then we even wind up pugging on or two slots in our 10-mans. So it's not like we have intensely high numbers or anything.
Personally though, if any of the members of "Project Horde" feel like wandering on over, I for one will welcome them with open arms, and I hope they'd do the same for me. :)
Sorry in my views the alliance side is boring, i play one for 5 days then i delete it, I'm sticking with the Horde.
Im drawing the line no more posts from now on
What is the name of the office you go to to mail a letter?
Babies are yummy!!!
wow so everyone just gave up fighting.... aww i miss the drama, thats the only way that we interacted.
Today it has became a sad day.
The site (and possibly guilds) have been shut down. the project is over and this could be the last official post (unless some1 decides to go ahead and post something new)
Anyway if the site is closing down what will happen to the guilds:Totally Rad Guild, Project Lore (alliance), and Project Lore (Horde), will they close down or will someone rise up and take the lead of the project (ill be willing take the lead for Project Lore Horde but I wont be enthusiastic about it). Or will a group of people decide to do new Project Lore videos but not the same guy?
We may never know....