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Forums - Horde > OMFG are u serious 

now im pissed everyone check this out

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbigjuang

I'd like to sympathize except the proposed priest changes essentially mean that Disc Priests will no be to heal heroics and raids. At least your spec is still viable.

June 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoki

Loki they barely touched disc, it's still incredibly viable, you haven't been a priest long if you think THIS is that much of a nerf.

Prayer of Healing: The percentage of spell power this spell gains in healing (per target) has been reduced from 80.7% to 52.6%.
Penance: Cooldown increased to 12 seconds, up from 10 seconds.
Inspiration: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target's armor.

Penance needing 2 extra seconds is nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially with appropriate haste levels for a disc priest, and prayer of healing is our only AOE heal, true, but that's not saying much we're not meant to use it, we're meant to spam shields and penances. In a five man I have never touched prayer of healing save for heroic HoL and in a raid (as disc) you're meant to be main tank heals, you'll be throwing prayer of mending, renew, shield, and if things get REALLY ugly a penance and thats about all.

People, especially you BJ, have to learn to calm down about changes. They're a fact of life, and they don't require spamming the board with complaints written like you're a five year old in the middle of a tantrum. Also, these are the PTR patch notes they're not official and may well change significantly before patch 3.2 actually goes live.

June 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawnia

I disagree. 2 seconds can make a huge difference in keeping a tank up. Maybe you're lucky with the PUG's you get but I have to use POH for significant portion of my healing due to poor dps discipline.
POH already was mana inefficient, now it hugely inefficient.

Once again Blizzard incorporates a PVP nerf with no consideration for the effect on PVE.

June 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoki

Well the first problem with that is that you're talking PUG, which pretty much negates the argument as far as raiding is concerned as PUG raids are known to be fail anyway Loki. 2 seconds, as I said, is negligible with appropriate haste and proper gear, I understand the frustration for you as you start the gearing process, but with the changes to emblems also coming in that patch it's not much of a big deal to get tier 8 which is above the iLevel of my current gear and should serve you fine. Seriously though if you're using prayer of healing at all you have a bad tank not bad DPS, they shouldn't be able to pull from the tank at this level of play.

June 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawnia

Lookin to xfer a toon to join you guys soon but not with my priest >_< Just came across this thread thought I'd make a small comment.

Gota admit I'm a bit of a meter maid in raids. I dont worry about em till the end of the fight, but they're still in the back of my mind hehe. Used to be holy for a long time and then switched to Disc and am loving it. Penance is used every cd for me pretty much since the heal/mana ratio is a lot better than anything else we have. However the tank doesnt always require a heal and the best way I find to beat other holy priests on meters is to PoH a group now and then when you can =) Seeing as its part of the T8 set bonus if you know exactly when to pop a PoH thats usually at least 3 DA shields you pop up on the raid at once in addition to healing 5 people. The MT group is usually full of melee who often take a bit of damage now and then too so why not get them and the tanks up at once when you can as well as creeping up on the meters? Anyways thats my 2 cents. Still unsure if the extra 2 secs is guna effect Penance much, but I guess that'll have to be seen in time.

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVix

Glad Shamans are getting a buff :D especially resto, each chain heals jump reduced by 40% instead of 50% and that's only from the top of my head :D I'm sure there's a couple lot more.

BTW, why are we here? Summer festival just started, time to kick that Frost Lord Ahune's butt :D Cya guys in game :D

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

Vix I love that you have a different approach, but as disc we're not meant to top the heal charts so there's some wiggle room there. I'm not trying to say PoH is useless but PoM and penance are much more crucial.

June 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawnia

Hehe you're right we're not meant to, but its the failings of a meter maid that I like to try anyway >_< That said, the general healing principal post patch shouldn't change too much for Disc. Shield your tank every 15 secs, Penance every cd, keep PoM up and Flash heal in between. An extra 2 secs wait on Penance shouldn't effect us too much. Pretty sure the PoH change will effect the meters, but thats no biggie really. As long as your tank lives you've done your job and you're right about never using PoH in 5-mans too so we wont be effected there at all. BTW I did get the "Guessed Absorbs" addon for recount the day I went Disc and nobody has a chance of catching a Disc priest on that one hehe.

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVix