The image page has been changed from three columns to five columns to show more thumbnails. When you click on them, they will still open up full screen so take some time and check out all the ...
I wanted to thank everyone for submitting their pictures. We've got a good collection here and it's growing day by day. One thing I wanted to point out is that right now when I add images, ...

Forums - Horde > Hack'd account finally got was linked to some1 else w/o my permission and/or authorisation, neither did i do it. Since it have to be logged in with that person's account, i can't log in using my usual username/password.

Reported it already, and just out of curiosity, how many of you have been hacked before and how long does it take Blizz to get your account back? Anything I should know in advance so I won't freak as much when I got it back?

Btw, if Sham logged in sometime before I got my account back, you know it's the hacker *dun dun dun!*

July 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShamtastik

Wow, that sucks. I've never been hacked before myself.

Have you heard anything from Blizzard yet about your account? You can get back most things the hacker has taken or sold. He only got a few things out of the guild bank before he got demoted, and nothing very valuable. Hope you're back soon.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterIstan

I have been hacked, and it was right when I hit level 80. So it was just perfect timing! adding up all of the gear, the banked items and bagged items, it came out to about 30k G... the bastard sent it off somewhere while, he left me with nothing! (I was furious!!!!) I started my report/file thing immediately andthey got back to me in two days saying that they would retrieve my lost items... So a week goes by of me just logging on each day just to check if I had a letter from Blizzard, and I finally got my letter. But it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. It said something along the lines of 'We are sorry about your lost items and here is your return. We thank you for your patience and enjoy playing the game.' Now, compared to my 30k G that I lost, I only got about 12.2k back and, none of the itmes i had lost. (just the money) Again, I was furious, but this time at Blizzard. I couldn't believe that was all they could get me. I sent back saying that they forgot nearly everything! And they get back to me with, 'We are sorry but we could not trace back any of the items that have been stolen. We were only able to collect this sum of gold for your charecter. We thank you again for your patience and we are truely sorry for your loss.' Long story short... I wasn't exactly sitting in that perfect postion once i hit 80...

November 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMcNut

Best way to avoid being hacked is to keep your password changing every month. Also, never use personal info for passwords, or things people could guess about you. Numbers and letters, no words, no problems.

November 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNerrectuz

ive been hacked fell 4 a mount add gonna report them as spam.

November 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKazzoo