The image page has been changed from three columns to five columns to show more thumbnails. When you click on them, they will still open up full screen so take some time and check out all the ...
I wanted to thank everyone for submitting their pictures. We've got a good collection here and it's growing day by day. One thing I wanted to point out is that right now when I add images, ...

Forums - Horde > Who's your dark half? _-_-_-_- (> ^ .^)>

In relation to something that was brought up briefly yesterday... I transferred my druid to Tanaris and joined PL Horde and at the same time created a Draenei Paladin on Executus which is currently lvl 61. I was pretty happy to learn that there was a fan guild for PL since it gave people with similar interests and senses of humour a chance to virtually meet in the wide WoW. I've spent a part of the last 2 days on the Horde side running heroics with some of you awesome people and was wondering if theres anyone else like me with a toon in each faction's PL fan guild. I know some people are staunch Horde or Alliance fanatics and would probably consider such a concept borderline treason (hehe), but if any of you do in fact have a darker half it would be pretty cool to know who you are on the other side in order to say hi when we're on =D

BTW in case you couldn't tell by my author tag my Horde Druid is Prestochango and my Alliance Paladin is Bunzofsteel.

I've got an 80 warrior on the executus server, same name as my Horde toon

July 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXorel

I got a lvl 12 hunter on executus, the name is penguinhunt

July 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCuiman

I have a lvl 55 BE DK on Tanaris called Fuzzyface

July 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFuzzbut

Planning on moving Indiqua-80 Orc DK, from Azgalor->Shadowmoon, but recently been thinking I just may transfer to Tanaris...o.0

July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShampayne

Hehe cool a few dual PL citizenships already =)

I Have a few horde toons on Tanaris and a few alliance on Executus, but as soon as the faction change moving my shaman to tanris and making him horde...i play horde mainly though

July 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUnforsaken

I should note that my Realm Transfer for Indiqua has been finalized, and is now among the ranks of Project Lore-Horde Side!

August 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShampayne/Indiqua