The image page has been changed from three columns to five columns to show more thumbnails. When you click on them, they will still open up full screen so take some time and check out all the ...
I wanted to thank everyone for submitting their pictures. We've got a good collection here and it's growing day by day. One thing I wanted to point out is that right now when I add images, ...

Guild Rules

The Project Lore Guilds have a few very simple rules. These apply to both the Alliance and Horde Guilds. Follow them and you should do just fine!

  1. Anyone who wishes to join may join. Officers must invite.
  2. Anyone who is consistently a jerk gets booted. Executive officers will gkick them.
  3. Anyone showing loot favoritism or ninjaing of any kind will be booted.
  4. Any member who is inactive for 3 weeks will be removed. Executive officers will gkick them.

Loot is by Officer Loot Council and with /rolls

With those rules established, the number one reason we're all here is to have fun, so please do so!